So, I've started a blog. Seems like good reasoning? I may be the only one that cares, but I'm sure other people will be pleased I'm no longer rambling in their comments. I'm good like that.
Who am I? My name's Lindsay, I'm a 19 year old geek. I'm a student (so bad cooking, alcohol, etc. is the everyday) and I'm studying computer science. Basically I specialize in sitting in front of a computer for eight hours writing a software system, only to test it in hour eight and realize the thing doesn't work. Yeah, that's pretty much my life.
So what are you going to see here?
This is primarily a baseball blog. I've got a problem, folks, and I have to ramble about it somewhere.

If you're here to see a balanced and non-biased look at the world of baseball, you've come to the wrong place. I'm a Jays fan, and that bias is going to be clear with most of what I write. I can give credit where it's due as a baseball fan, but the Jays fan part of me is bitter and defensive.
E.g. Alex Rodriguez is a very talented ballplayer... Too bad he's such a douche-bag.
See? He's talented but a douche-bag.
Yes, I'm starting a baseball blog during the offseason. Sue me. I'm guessing that's probably the reason I'm opting to expand it a little beyond baseball to include all of my vices. You know... TV, video games, movies, etc. I'm a geek, and a tech junkie. Just warning you now.
A little bit about my gaming "profile". I play console and hand-held games. I don't play PC games often. I play my Wii and my XBox360 obsessively, and although I own and have been obsessed with my PS2, it's fallen out of favour. PS3 can screw itself until it puts out a game I actually want to play. As for hand-helds, I own a PSP and a GBA. The DS is something I want, but am too lazy/cheap to buy. Genre-wise, I play pretty much everything.
Yeah, so that's it for the first post. It makes me seem lame as hell, but I guess that's pretty much dead on. Plus it's impossible to write an introductory post without sounding like a jackass.
I have always wanted to do that. Anyway get a PS3, Drake's Fortune is worth it alone but there is also assassins creed. Hopefully if you can vent your baseball rage on here I won't be victim to it AS much :P
But I can play Assassin's Creed on my 360... And Drake's Fortune looks good, but hardly PS3 justification.
And don't worry. There is PLENTY of baseball rage to go around. You won't be left out.
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