Here are some examples from the irrelevant crap category:
-Prince Fielder is going vegetarian, says the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
-Rios can't put on clothes properly and then needs Overbay's help to correct the problem, and Zaun says something football related.
-Ryan Dempster thinks the Cubs are going all the way in '08, but then again... Kevin Millar says the same about his Orioles. Ten points for Millar for hilarity.
Here are some examples of cookie-cutter relevant crap:
-David Eckstein is small and scrappy, Doc is good, and Matt Stairs is Canadian
-Manny Ramirez exists and is happy/healthy.
-The Tigers are good.
-The Mets and Phillies are in competition! I love how Rollins seems to think he was the first player ever to declare his team was going to win.
And here's just something hilarious. Are you big, loud, and obnoxious?

Mermaids and Manatees aside, I can't wait until the games start. Six and change days, and there will be actual play to report on. As opposed to: "So and so is feeling good" and "So and so is pitching" etc.
On a completely unrelated note... What kind of movie rental place doesn't have Jurassic Park? Like what the fucking fuck. I wanted to watch some dinosaurs kill things.
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